Ancient Lion Dragon Ink

[Ancient Lion Dragon Ink]

Ancient Lion Dragon ink, bright, 4.7 cm in diameter, 0.5 cm in thickness, and 18g in weight
The ink is in the shape of animal face and head, one side is in the shape of lion lion lying down, the other side is plain, with a box in the middle, and there is a double-line four-character regular script “Ancient Lion Dragon Ink”. The book “The Collection of Ink in Zhongzhou” written by Yuan Lijin, a scholar of the Qing Dynasty, believed that the style of this ink was similar to that of Luo Xiaohua’s works, and thus it was determined to be Luo’s works. However, there was a similar style in the works of Fang Yulu in the Ming Dynasty, so the age of this ink still needed more evidence.
图片[1]-Ancient Lion Dragon Ink-China Archive
图片[2]-Ancient Lion Dragon Ink-China Archive古狻猊墨

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