Yellow osmanthus rabbit pattern makeup yarn

[Huangdi Gui Rabbit Pattern Makeup Yarn]

Huangdi Gui Rabbit Pattern Makeup Yarn is made in Xuande, Ming Dynasty, with a length of 47cm and a width of 48.5cm. The old collection of the Qing Palace
This makeup yarn weaves plain yarn with yellow warp and weft threads, and weaves plain yarn with brown, dark green, orange, yellow, white, blue, light pink and round gold and silver threads. The composition is three rows of rabbits, decorated with chrysanthemums and peonies. The rabbits all looked up, either holding ganoderma lucidum or osmanthus. The patterns are all woven by digging shuttle technology, so they are all higher than the ground, with strong decorative and three-dimensional effect
The makeup gauze is rigorous and creative. The color is gorgeous and elegant, and the weaving is exquisite and exquisite. It is a fine piece of Nanjing brocade fabric in the early Ming Dynasty.
图片[1]-Yellow osmanthus rabbit pattern makeup yarn-China Archive

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