Blue and white rhombic open double phoenix rectangular furnace with lotus pattern

[Blue and white diamond-shaped bright twin phoenixes wear lotus rectangular furnace]

Blue and white diamond-shaped bright twin phoenixes wear lotus rectangular furnace, Ming Xuande, height 18 cm, caliber 22.2 × 14 cm, foot diameter 22 × 14 cm
This stove has a peculiar shape, with square mouth, flat belly, and four corners and feet. Full body blue and white decoration. The edge of the mouth is decorated with a tangled ganoderma lucidum pattern, the neck is decorated with a small flower pattern, the abdomen is decorated with a diamond-shaped open light with a lotus pattern on the inside, and the four corners of the abdomen and feet are decorated with a Ruyi cloud head pattern. Along the mouth, from right to left, there are six characters and one line of money in blue and white regular script “made in Xuande year of the Ming Dynasty”.
图片[1]-Blue and white rhombic open double phoenix rectangular furnace with lotus pattern-China Archive
图片[2]-Blue and white rhombic open double phoenix rectangular furnace with lotus pattern-China Archive青花菱形开光双凤穿莲花纹长方炉款识图片[3]-Blue and white rhombic open double phoenix rectangular furnace with lotus pattern-China Archive青花菱形开光双凤穿莲花纹长方炉器底

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