Bright red glaze printing cloud dragon pattern high foot bowl

[Bright red glaze printing cloud dragon pattern high foot bowl]

Bright red glaze printing cloud dragon pattern high foot bowl, 9.9 cm high, 15.8 cm caliber, 4.2 cm foot diameter
The bowl is skimmed, the belly is curved, and the high circle feet are slightly skimmed. The outer wall and foot of the bowl are covered with bright ruby red glaze, and the inner wall is white glaze with dark cloud and dragon patterns. The heart of the bowl is engraved with four characters of the seal script “Yongle Year System”
This bowl is beautiful in shape, and the bright red glaze is pure, beautiful and even. It is the only red glaze with the model of Yongle official kiln in the collection of the Palace Museum
Gaozu bowl, also known as target cup, was popular in the early Ming Dynasty. Yongle red glazed high foot bowl is very precious and most famous.
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