Carved red flower pattern round box

[Carved red flower pattern round box]

Carved red flower pattern round box, in the early Ming Dynasty, was 4.5 cm high and 12.7 cm in diameter
Box mouth, straight wall, flat bottom. The picture of flower cultivation carved on the cover: the master sits in the pavilion to guide the children in the yard to water and fertilize the flowers, and a boy stands beside him to serve. The courtyard is decorated with rockeries and trees. Since the Tang and Song dynasties, scholars have often piled mountains and dug pools in the courtyard, planted trees and forested trees, so as to get close to nature at any time and make friends with flowers, plants, insects and fish, which seems to have the meaning of birth. The cover wall and the vessel wall are decorated on the yellow lacquered ground in turn with tangled chrysanthemum pattern, hibiscus pattern, peony pattern and pomegranate pattern. The outer bottom is painted with brown paint
This sabre technique is mellow, the hidden edge is not exposed, the brocade is small, and the yellow paint is plain. It has the characteristics of carved lacquer in the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty – Xuande period

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