Eight square boxes with red fugue chart

[Eight square box of red fuqin chart]

Eight square box of red fuqin chart, Ming Yongle, 13.5 cm high, 25.2 cm caliber, 18.8 cm foot diameter. The old collection of the Qing Palace
The box is octagonal, and the feet follow the shape. Covering the scene of carved pine trees, flowing clouds, and courtyards, one elder is playing piano in the courtyard, the other elder is listening, and three waiters are serving tea on the side. The slanted wall and mouth edge of the box and cover are carved with flower patterns on the yellow lacquer ground. The upper ring of the circle foot is carved with a circle of lines. The outer bottom is painted with ochre paint, and the left knife is engraved with the regular script of “Da Ming Xuan De Nian System” in gold, under which the original version of “Da Ming Yongle Nian System” can be seen faintly
The picture of playing piano on the cover of this box seems to show the allusions of Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi. In the Yongle period, the carved lacquer boxes were mostly of cane section type and steamed cake type, and the octagonal ones were rare. The box has a regular and dignified shape, warm paint and mellow carving. It is a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation.
图片[1]-Eight square boxes with red fugue chart-China Archive
图片[2]-Eight square boxes with red fugue chart-China Archive剔红抚琴图八方盒盖面图片[3]-Eight square boxes with red fugue chart-China Archive剔红听琴图八方盒图片[4]-Eight square boxes with red fugue chart-China Archive剔红抚琴图八方盒盒底图片[5]-Eight square boxes with red fugue chart-China Archive剔红抚琴图八方盒器底后改刻宣德款

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