White Jade Panlong Ring Pendant

[White jade flat dragon ring]

White jade flat dragon ring, in the early Ming Dynasty, is 6.8 cm wide, 6.7 cm high, and 4.5 cm thick at most. The old collection of the Qing Palace
Jade is white and moist. The vessel is ringed with a coiled dragon. The dragon has two horns, and its hair flutters back and left and right sides. The hair is thin and regular. The head of the dragon has eyebrows raised, left and right long whiskers, and grins. The body of the dragon is coiled, with five claws and a bald tail. It is surrounded by grass cloud patterns. The back side of the girdle is convex and square arched, with high relief cloud patterns. The whole vessel is attached with a purple sandalwood block, carved with cloud patterns, and the reverse side of the block is inscribed with the word “C” in gold, which is the classification of cultural relics in the Qing Dynasty palace
This ring dragon decoration is majestic and vigorous, and its carving process also has the style of the Song and Yuan dynasties, which is the representative of the palace jade carving in the early Ming Dynasty. The shape of this object is rare. Seen from its flat back, it may be a belt ornament. It was originally hidden in the Palace of Eternal Life in the Forbidden City.
图片[1]-White Jade Panlong Ring Pendant-China Archive
图片[2]-White Jade Panlong Ring Pendant-China Archive白玉蟠龙环佩图片[3]-White Jade Panlong Ring Pendant-China Archive白玉蟠龙环佩所配紫檀木座

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