Bamboo carved lotus incense tube

[Bamboo carved lotus incense tube]

Bamboo carved lotus incense tube, Ming Dynasty, with a total height of 23 cm and a bottom diameter of 5.1 cm
The utility model is cylindrical, the upper and lower edges are inlaid with ox horns, and there is a rosewood top support. The lower top support has a tenon, which is inserted with the body, and the upper top support is bonded with wax. The incense tube is full of carved lotus flowers. It takes great care to manage and arrange in every square inch. The layers, positions, insertions and backs of flowers and leaves are complex but not disorderly, showing superb craftsmanship. The little crab perched on the lotus leaf becomes the finishing touch of the composition, which is vivid and exquisite, adding to the interest of the picture. The cylinder body is carved up to six times, which is matched with the yin carving. The knife technique is mellow, the grinding is exquisite, and the knife mark is not exposed. It has the typical style of bamboo carving in the late Ming Dynasty. The production of this incense tube is excellent, but not trivial. It is really commendable

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