Stele of King of the Eastern Han Dynasty in the Ming Dynasty

[Ming Tuo Eastern Han Dynasty King’s Stele]

The full name of the King’s Stele is “The Legend of the King of the Northern Sea in the Han Dynasty”, which is in official script and 230 cm high. Stele Yang has 17 lines and 33 lines; There are 4 columns in the tablet yin, 18 rows in the upper 3 columns, and 2 rows in the fourth column. There are two lines and 42 words in the last chapter. It was established in the third year of Han’an in the Eastern Han Dynasty (144 years). The inscription on the tablet has a seal script in Yangwen, “The Ming of the King of the North Sea of Yizhou Prefecture in the Han Dynasty”, with 2 lines and 12 characters. The upper part of the tablet has two characters, the eighth line, the ninth line and the tenth line. The monument was built after the death of Beihai Xiangjing, the governor of Yizhou, and his family and old officials admired his merits. The monument is now in Jining, Shandong Province
This inscription is a Ming Dynasty inscription, with the inscription on the sun, mounted on the axis, 199.7 cm vertically (with the inscription) and 77.8 cm horizontally. The thick ink is renewed. On the top right of the Fuzhai Inscription is a railway man (Mao Huai) postscript with four seals, including “Dajie Inkstone Inscription” and “Yanzu Longevity”. The word “city” in the eleventh line of “merchant empty market” is mostly left, and the word “disability” in the eighth line of “disability, falsehood, and ease of mind” is not damaged. Although the stone is well-crafted, it can still make the audience appreciate the charm of its book. It was originally collected by Zhu Yixuan and later donated to the Palace Museum
The calligraphy of King’s Stele is unique. The official script of the Han Dynasty stele is flat in many ways. However, the inscription on the stele is written in a vertical style with a square pen, with a little seal character meaning, and the closing pen is sharp. Wang Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty commented on his books: “Calligraphy is ancient and elegant.” Sun Chengze of the Qing Dynasty said: “There is a division of the whole square.”
Ouyang Xiu of the Song Dynasty, “Collection of Ancient Records and Postscript”, Zhao Mingcheng, “Jin Shi Lu”, Hong Shi, “Li Shi”, “Jin Xie Lin Lang”, “Mu of the Ming Dynasty,” Geng Zi Ji Xia Ji “, Ma Ziyun and Shi Anchang,” Identification of Steles “and other books have been recorded.
图片[1]-Stele of King of the Eastern Han Dynasty in the Ming Dynasty-China Archive

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