Tang cursive heart sutra

[Chinese Cursive Script Heart Sutra]

35.0 × 200.0 cm
Clear rubbings. Donated by Zhu Yiyu and his family. The stone is now in Xi’an Stele Forest Museum, Shaanxi
Tang Ren Shu. Smooth and free, full of vitality
The catalogue of steles collected in Ouzhai:
The cursive heart sutra of the Tang Dynasty
Rubbings of the Song Dynasty. Weng Qinxi approved the gold and stone seal. Jiaxu made his own journey. A volume
According to the Ouzhai Graphite Inscription and Postscript:
The cursive heart sutra of the Tang Dynasty
The rubbings of the Song Dynasty. Weng Qinxi Zang. Jiaxu’s postscript was signed. A volume
This stone is in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. It is said that it is the book of the Right Army. In fact, it is not true. According to the Record of Visiting Monuments, Wang Yanzhou was named as the book of Zheng Wanjun, the prince of the Tang Dynasty. Yang Dabao’s “Even Brush” said: “There is Chen Weng in Fan Jiang, who has collected a volume of cursive heart sutra of the right army. Weng has written several volumes of books. He said the reasons for his giving and receiving, and the wonderful writing skills. How can it be said that the authentic works of the right army have been handed down to this day? There is no doubt about it”. Later, Yang Pei of Tieling refuted it, saying that “The Heart Sutra is in the 657 books of Xuanzang’s collection, and it entered the Middle Kingdom at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty. The monk Huairen once collected the running script of the right army and engraved it on the back of the preface of the holy book. This is a cursive script, which must not be the book of the right army.” The identification is very accurate, and it is also a public case about this stone. This was given to a disciple of Cheng Huiquan, known as Song Tuo. According to the small characters at the end of the stone, it is not easy to see. It is considered to be a Song Dynasty pen, and the paper and ink are very ancient. The water-resistant silk fabric at both ends is also similar to the silk pattern of the Sujian Song fashion. Is it really Tianshui felt wax? Cherish the old damask and repack it for the handyman. It is a great regret. I will go to the factory one day and ask for it back. I will attach it to the end of the note for reference. There is Song Tuo’s regular script of this sutra in Yu Xiang. The title of Wang Duo is engraved in the office of Chen Lingwang, the first year of Tianbao’s reign in Hebei Province. It is also a trace of Xigou. The question of winter and October wing factory in 1898

图片[1]-Tang cursive heart sutra-China Archive

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