Wenjia Landscape Atlas

[Wenjia Landscape Map Volume]

Landscape Map Volume, Ming, Wenjia, paper, color, vertical 21.3 cm, horizontal 387.8 cm
This self-knowledge: “Longqing is four years old at the noon of the Geng Festival, and he has a lot of time to study, and he is happy. The Taoist priest of Wenshui Xiu Chengjiashi.” The seal is “Wen Jiayin” and “Wen Xiu Chengyin”
This picture depicts the fishing boats in the water village, the temples and mountain houses, and the mysterious caves. The painting method in the picture has a little meaning left by Wu Zhen and Huang Gongwang of the Yuan Dynasty, and is colored by Huang’s light crimson method. The strokes of the rocks and trees in the picture are beautiful and steady, and the ink and color are rich in changes of depth and shade, which can distinguish the levels of objects; The water grain is fine and dense, and the pen is smooth and not stiff; The clouds in the mountains are drawn with ink and Teng Huang twice, and the light ink halo near the line shows the thickness of the clouds, which is very decorative. The picture unfolds slowly, and the scenery is easy to move, which leads the viewer to wander among the scenic spots in the mountains and forests of Wuzhong, reflecting the life interests of the Chinese people of Wu at that time in seclusion and recreation
This picture was created by Wen Jia at the age of 70. It can be regarded as a representative work of his decades of creative experience and artistic pursuit
Chen Kuilin of the Qing Dynasty described in the “Book of Paintings and Calligraphy in Baoyuzhai, Volume I”.
图片[1]-Wenjia Landscape Atlas-China Archive

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