Zhu Sansong Bamboo Carving Fisherman

[Zhu Sansong Bamboo Carving Fisherman]

Zhu Sansong Bamboo Carving Fisherman, 13.5cm high
The fisherman is made of bamboo root. The old man smiles, wears a bamboo hat, wears a coir raincoat, carries a small basket, and puts on grass shoes. He bends forward, raises his forearm and wipes the rain under his cheeks with long sleeves
This work is exquisite and simple. The fisherman is portrayed in detail and lifelike. The old man showed his feet and bones, and his toes clung to the ground, which showed that the road was muddy and difficult to walk. The attitude and smiling face from the old man looked forward also conveyed the old man’s philosophical spirit of “living in a storm”. This bamboo fisherman fully demonstrates Zhu Zhizheng’s exquisite and vivid carving style, which can be regarded as a masterpiece of bamboo carving in the Ming Dynasty
In 1962, it was allocated by the National Cutural Heritage Administration to the Palace Museum

图片[1]-Zhu Sansong Bamboo Carving Fisherman-China Archive
图片[2]-Zhu Sansong Bamboo Carving Fisherman-China Archive朱三松竹雕渔翁款识“三松”

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