Song Xu Wanshan Autumn Map Axis

[Song Xu Wanshan Autumn Painting Axis]

Wanshan Autumn Painting Axis, Ming Dynasty, Song Xu painting, paper edition, color setting, 140.6 cm vertically and 28.9 cm horizontally
This picture reads from itself: “The autumn scenery of Wanshan Mountain. In the early winter of Wanli Gengchen, Li Songxu imitated Dong Beiyuan’s family law. “Gengchen” is the eighth year of Wanli (1580) in the Ming Dynasty. The author was 56 years old
The picture shows that the mountains are winding up, the ancient mahogany leaves are planted all over the valley, the pavilions and waterfalls are hidden in it, the stream at the foot of the mountain turns with the road, the water gurgles, and a scholar sticks down the mountain on the path beside the stream. This painting adopts a high and distant composition, with a dense layout, light colors, beautiful ink, and the top of the mountain is mostly decorated with “alum head” and miscellaneous trees, imitating Dong Yuan. However, the mountains and rocks in this picture are more stained and less chapped, the miscellaneous trees are abundant, the scenery is precipitous, and the strokes are scattered, which are also influenced by Guan Tong of the Five Dynasties, Fan Kuan and Huang Gongwang of the Yuan Dynasty.
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