Silver bucket cup

[Silver bucket cup]

Silver bucket cup, clear, maximum height 4.2 cm, caliber 8.2 cm, bottom diameter 4.5 cm, minimum height 2.8 cm, caliber 4.5 cm, bottom diameter 2.5 cm
The cup is in the shape of a square bucket, from big to small, and consists of 12 pieces, which are set up in turn and sewn tightly. The inner walls of the 12 cups are shallowly carved with different landscapes and figures. If the four walls of each cup are connected, it will be a picture of the story of the whole scene. The inner bottom is engraved with seal characters such as “Lanting Xiuqi”, “Xiyuan Yaji”, etc., to highlight the contents of the picture. The design of the cup set is ingenious, the composition is beautiful, and the skill is exquisite, which is amazing

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