Brown glaze painted tiger pillow

[Brown glazed painted tiger shaped pillow]

Brown glazed painted tiger shaped pillow, gold, 10.7cm high, 35.6cm long and 14cm wide
The pillow is in the shape of a recumbent tiger. The back of the tiger is used as the pillow surface, and the white ground is used as the ground. The picture of autumn birds in the reed pond is painted in black color. Two branches of residual lotus, several stems of reed, ducks swimming in water and grass, wild geese flying to the south show the bleak mood of autumn scenery vividly. The body of the tiger is a pillow. It is painted in black under the yellow glaze to imitate the tiger skin markings
These tiger shaped pillows handed down from generation to generation are mainly produced by Cizhou kiln in Hebei, Bakun kiln in Yu County, Henan and Changzhi kiln in Shanxi, with similar styles. The head of the tiger can be divided into left and right directions. The yellow glaze is deep and light, and the pillow surface is mostly waist round. A tiger shaped pillow in the collection of the Shanghai Museum has an ink book on the bottom of it, which provides a basis for the dating of such objects.
图片[1]-Brown glaze painted tiger pillow-China Archive
图片[2]-Brown glaze painted tiger pillow-China Archive褐釉彩绘虎形枕另面图片[3]-Brown glaze painted tiger pillow-China Archive褐釉彩绘虎形枕底部

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