White-glazed flower and bird pattern pillow

[White-glazed flower-and-bird pattern pillow]

White-glazed flower-and-bird pattern pillow, gold, 17.7 cm high, 30.3 cm horizontal, 26 cm vertical, 30 cm horizontal and 24 cm vertical
The pillow is waist round, slightly protruding, low in front of the pillow and high in the back. Apply make-up soil to the carcass. The flower pattern in the center of the pillow surface is carved with a broken flower pattern, and the ribbon birds on the branches are fluttering and singing. The exterior decoration is rolled with grass pattern. Draw string patterns on the pillow side up and down according to the shape, and carve intertwined flower and leaf patterns between the string patterns. The pillow body is covered with transparent glaze, and the bottom is not covered with glaze. There are two circular air holes
The porcelain kilns of Cizhou, Ding, Jun and Yaozhou in the northern region all developed to a certain extent in the Jin Dynasty. For example, the tiger pillow of Cizhou, the printing porcelain of Ding and the moon-white glaze of Yaozhou were all typical artifacts at that time.
图片[1]-White-glazed flower and bird pattern pillow-China Archive
图片[2]-White-glazed flower and bird pattern pillow-China Archive白釉剔花花鸟纹枕枕面图片[3]-White-glazed flower and bird pattern pillow-China Archive白釉剔花花鸟纹枕底部

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