Mi Fu’s running script coral sticker

[Mi Fu’s running script coral page]

The coral page, Northern Song Dynasty, Mi Fu’s book, paper, running script, 26.6 cm in length and 47.1 cm in width
Interpretation: Zhang Sengyou, the king of heaven, has Xue Ji’s title on it. Yan two things, Le Lao Chu Yuan obtained directly. I also received Jingwen’s “The Painting of Greetings”, which is also a painting of the Six Dynasties. A branch of coral. Three branches of vermilion grass come out of the golden sand. They come from the Tianzhi Festival. On that day, I was honored with the name of the watch, which was worthy of the five-color pen
Zhang Sengyou, a painter of the Southern Dynasty, is famous for his good painting of Buddhist and Taoist figures, and the “Heavenly King” is such a work. Xue Ji, a calligrapher in the early Tang Dynasty. Jingwen is Xie Jingwen, whose character is Shizhi, and Mi Fu is also the same person. It is said that he can be found in Volume 295 of the History of the Song Dynasty. The Painting of Asking Rites and the Coral Penholder are both his collections, and the “Jie Xiang” is his official position – “The Book of the Minister of Power gives out the military of Zhizhou”. Ming Biao, also known as “Ming Biao Lang Guan” in the Song Dynasty, was once held by Mi Fu

This post is a letter from Mi Fu about his collection. The pen is swift and unrestrained, and it does not exceed the rules at will, which fully shows his open-minded personality and profound skills. The letter said that the coral pen holder is a handy illustration, which can be said to be a miraculous stroke. It is also the only painting handed down by Mi Fu

The seal of collection: “Neifu Shuyin” (half seal), “Daya (half seal)”, “Samadhi in classical Chinese”, “Dingfu Treasure”, “Zengcun Dingdi Xingyou Hengtang”, “Ji’an Appreciation”, and the seals of Liang Qingbiao, Wang Hongxu, An Qi, Yongyu Yijin Zhai, and Mianyi Nanyun Zhai

图片[1]-Mi Fu’s running script coral sticker-China Archive

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