Yellowish-brown glaze painted double-fish basin of Liulichang kiln

[Yellowish-brown glazed painted double fish pattern basin of Liulichang kiln]

Yellowish-brown glazed painted double fish pattern basin of Liulichang kiln, Song Dynasty, height 12.5 cm, caliber 46 cm, bottom diameter 29.5 cm
The basin is open, wide edge, rolled edge, shallow body, oblique abdominal wall and flat bottom. The carcass is thick and heavy. The interior is glazed, the exterior is glazed to the lower end of the mouth edge, and the outer abdomen and bottom are unglazed. The center of the basin is painted with green double swimming fish, the fish body is carved with scales, and the water and grass are lined around
This article is the product of the Liulichang kiln in Huayang, Sichuan. The kiln is good at making yellow and green glazed porcelain. It has vivid carved and drawn patterns, simple technology and unique style.
图片[1]-Yellowish-brown glaze painted double-fish basin of Liulichang kiln-China Archive
图片[2]-Yellowish-brown glaze painted double-fish basin of Liulichang kiln-China Archive琉璃厂窑黄褐釉彩绘双鱼纹盆盆心图片[3]-Yellowish-brown glaze painted double-fish basin of Liulichang kiln-China Archive琉璃厂窑黄褐釉彩绘双鱼纹盆底部

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