Tri-color carved rabbit pillow

[Three-color carved rabbit pillow]

Three-color carved rabbit pillow, Song, height 10.5 cm, face transverse 36.8 cm, face longitudinal 17 cm, bottom transverse 36 cm, bottom longitudinal 14.5 cm
The pillow is slightly fan-shaped. The edge of the pillow surface is carved with flower and leaf patterns. The center is a double-line rectangular frame. There is a petal-shaped light inside. The light inside is carved with yellow rabbit, green grass and white land. The bright outside is yellow Steamed rolls. Apply the glaze to the half of the pillow side, and the glaze edge is decorated with double lines. There is a round air vent on the back of the pillow. Plain bottom
The pillow theme decoration is more prominent, and the color is elegant and fresh
From the existing physical data, most of the tricolor pillows in the Song Dynasty took green as the keynote, supplemented by yellow, white, brown and other colors, and almost no blue was seen. The color matching was fresh, bright, soft and elegant. The decoration mainly includes figures, flowers and birds, animals, etc.
图片[1]-Tri-color carved rabbit pillow-China Archive
图片[2]-Tri-color carved rabbit pillow-China Archive三彩剔划花兔纹枕枕面图片[3]-Tri-color carved rabbit pillow-China Archive三彩剔划花兔纹枕底部

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