Zhao Yiren and others made the statue of Maitreya Bodhisattva

[The statue of Maitreya Bodhisattva made by Zhao Yiren and others]

The statue of Maitreya Bodhisattva made by Zhao Yiren and others was in the first year of Qianming in the Northern Qi Dynasty (560), with a residual height of 36.5 cm
The Lord is dressed as a bodhisattva in a cross-legged posture. There is a child under the bodhisattva’s feet, the dragon tree and the statue are missing on the right side, and the Bizhi Buddha (also known as the Nuoji Brahman King, whose status is between the Bodhisattva and the disciple) is on the left side, with a spiral knot on the head. At the center of the base is the Boshan stove held by two children (most of the Boshan stove is lost), and at the outside is the lion and Lux (Vajra). The lion raised his foot and squatted at the back. The feet of Luxi (Vajra) are also held by children, which is very rare in the white stone Buddhist statues in Quyang. The base is partially carved to enhance the stereoscopic effect of the statue. On the back of the base is carved a vow: “On July 8, the first year of the Qianming Dynasty, the people of Zhao Yi under the Grand Temple and other people revered Maitreya as the emperor’s majesty, the parents of monks, the visible Dharma world, and the instant Buddhahood.”

图片[1]-Zhao Yiren and others made the statue of Maitreya Bodhisattva-China Archive

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