Stele of the Duke of the Dynasty

[Monument to the Marquis of the Dynasty]

Monument to the Marquis of the Dynasty, in the Eastern Han Dynasty, is 86.5 cm high, 81.6 cm wide, and 17.3 cm thick
The inscription has 14 lines of 198 characters, in official script. The inscription is dignified and clear, well printed, and the calligraphic Cao Quan Stele is rigorous and beautiful, powerful and varied. It also has many characters and few mantras. It is the best of the surviving Han steles. The content of the inscription records the deceased’s identity, conduct and achievements in official duties. This tablet was unearthed in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and was once collected by Zhou Jimu
Recorded text: □ The son of the duke of the dynasty, □ □ □ □ □ □, □ □, □, □, □, □, □, □. In the morning, the Great Leader of the Middle School was held in his arms and spoke for Tong Guan. More than five million gifts have been given to you. Although two years of mourning, Meng Xianjia and so on have nothing to do with it. You are the head of the county. Please sign the chief clerk, the postmaster, and the five official lines. Whether it is not good or bad, I hate to know its good, and hide it at home every time I return. In addition to the doctor and the visitor, the name of energy is the highest priority. In order to get rid of the traitors, we should not be afraid of doing anything. □ The funeral was filled with sorrow, and the spirit was pined and injured. The sound of the day when the god finally died, the shape and the gas were exhausted, and then it was destroyed. Yingyanxi, pain old and young, die immortal, should be in the ceremony. Therefore, the stele of Biaos is true. Words: Gao Zhi is far away, Ling Yun is far away; Its filial piety is stubborn and fierce, and its sadness moves the sky; The pulse combines with the qi, which can make you faint.
图片[1]-Stele of the Duke of the Dynasty-China Archive
图片[2]-Stele of the Duke of the Dynasty-China Archive朝侯小子碑拓片

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