Portrait stone on the door of Guo Zhongli’s tomb (right)

[Portrait stone of Guo Zhongli’s tomb door (right)]

Portrait stone of Guo Zhongli’s tomb door (right), Eastern Han Dynasty, 117.5 cm high and 48 cm wide
This portrait stone and another portrait stone of Guo Zhongli’s tomb door in the Palace Museum are combined into a pair of door leaves, which is on the right. At the top of the picture is a rosefinch, flapping its wings and raising its tail. There is a head on the lower part, the forehead looks like a mountain, the eyes of anger are exposed, and the mouth is open with a ring. The lower end of this shop head has no mouth feature, and the door ring passes through the nostrils, with prominent and eye-catching eyes, which is quite dignified. The upper end of the shop head is divided into three strands, like a crown decoration. The paving head in the Han Dynasty portrait brick has obviously got rid of the function of religious sacrifice and has a kind of formal beauty and decorative beauty

图片[1]-Portrait stone on the door of Guo Zhongli’s tomb (right)-China Archive

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