Silver female figurines

[Silver female seated figurines]

Silver female seated figurines, Western Han Dynasty, 22.6 cm high
The figurine is made of silver, sitting on a square base plate, with a round cylinder in front of the knee. Referring to the figure seat unearthed from various places, the figurine should have held objects such as lamp poles with both hands, and the lower end of the lamp pole should be inserted into the cylinder. The seated figurine and cylinder form a base to bear other objects. This decorative method, that is, using the human body as the base of utensils, has a long history in China. For example, chime frames with human body as the pillar were unearthed in Hubei Province, and the bases of human lanterns were also unearthed in Henan, Hebei and other places
The sitting style of the silver figurines, which was known as the sitting style in ancient times, was different from squatting and squatting. It was more popular in the Han Dynasty, representing solemnity, and was regarded as the sitting style in line with etiquette. The silver figurines, with their hair in a bun, wearing a multi-layer cross-necked wide-sleeved clothes, are moderately proportioned and show a quiet and reserved look, which is undoubtedly an image of being enslaved.
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