Painted cloud and phoenix bottle

[Painted cloud and phoenix bottle]

Painted cloud and phoenix bottle, Western Han Dynasty, with a total height of 18 cm, a diameter of 13 cm and a bottom diameter of 13.4 cm
This bottle was unearthed at Tomb 6, Gaotai, Jiangling, Jingzhou. The bottle has a cylindrical deep belly, and the painted bottle wall is formed by crimping thin wood chips, with a cover. The cover edge is formed by crimping thin wood chips and then bonded with the cover. The cover has three buttons, which are symmetrically distributed. There are three copper hoof-shaped feet at the bottom. The cover and bottom are thick. There is a circular copper handle on one side of the upper abdomen. The whole body of the bottle is painted with ochre red paint. The top and the middle of the outer wall of the bottle are painted with crisscross cloud and phoenix patterns, and the top and bottom are painted with red line and string patterns. The deformed cloud and phoenix patterns are distinctive decorative patterns on the lacquerware of the Western Han Dynasty.
图片[1]-Painted cloud and phoenix bottle-China Archive

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