Bronze nose button chasing water leopard pattern print

[Bronze nose button chasing water leopard pattern print]

Bronze nose button chasing water leopard pattern print, Western Han Dynasty, print surface 1.4 × 1.3 cm, with a height of 1.1 cm
It is made of copper, and the printing table is folded up in layers (it is damaged into sharp shape by later grinding), and the nose button. The printed concave cast pattern shows a beast darting forward. A brave man flew forward and fell on the beast. He was trying to choke it but did not stand still. There was a swimming fish in the lower right corner of the pattern. “The Book of the Han Dynasty · The Biography of Yang Xiong”: “Flying leopards, flying in the sun, chasing the Tianbao, going out of the way, and finishing the sound, hitting the streamer”. Zhang Heng’s “Nandu Fu”, “chasing the water leopards, whipping the monsters”, is about this kind of animal fighting activity. Chasing water leopard is a popular water game in the Han Dynasty, but there are not many physical objects to show this kind of activity. This pattern print provides us with an artistic portrayal of the content of this activity.
图片[1]-Bronze nose button chasing water leopard pattern print-China Archive
图片[2]-Bronze nose button chasing water leopard pattern print-China Archive追水豹图案铜印印面图片[3]-Bronze nose button chasing water leopard pattern print-China Archive追水豹图案铜印钤本

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