Arc dragon phoenix mirror

[Multi-arc dragon and phoenix mirror]

Multi-arc dragon and phoenix mirror, in the late Warring States period, has a face diameter of 18.3 cm and a weight of 480 g
The copper mirror is round, and the edges are connected by 12 arcs inward, with a string button and a round button seat. Four leaf-like patterns extend symmetrically from the button seat outward. The outer ring is composed of a pair of dragon and a pair of phoenix. The dragon turns back and opens its mouth, dances its feet and wags its tail. The phoenix’s long wings extend and its body curls up. The floor pattern is a diamond lattice, which is covered with broken points and cloud patterns
The motif of this bronze mirror is prominent, with each layer of decoration echoing each other, and its momentum is consistent, showing the interest of combining abstract and realistic decorative patterns in the Warring States Period.
图片[1]-Arc dragon phoenix mirror-China Archive
图片[2]-Arc dragon phoenix mirror-China Archive连弧螭凤纹镜局部

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