Jade Valley

[Jade Valley Ridge]

Jade Valley Ridge, Warring States Period, 13.4 cm in diameter, 4.6 cm in diameter and 0.2 cm in thickness
Unearthed from the Warring States Tomb in Yanggong Township, Changfeng County, Anhui Province in 1977
The jade color is greenish, with ink spots, and local soil. Both sides are decorated with grain patterns, one side is carved in shade, and the other side is reduced in shallow relief
Jade jade first appeared in the late Neolithic Age. It is a gift to heaven. Liangzhu culture is the most common. The idea of offering gifts to the sky with Cangbi and to the earth with Huangcong has been followed throughout the ages. In the tombs of Liangzhu culture, there is also the phenomenon that jade bi and jade cong surround, cushion and press the corpse, and jade bi and jade cong also have the function of mortifying the corpse. The burial of the corpse with jade was continued in the Han Dynasty. In addition to being placed under or above the corpse, the jade wall can also be seen inlaid on the surface of coffins and rectangular pillows, sewn on the top of the jade coat, or hung in the tomb. Most of these jade walls used for mortuary are relatively poor in material and rough in grinding. This product is thin, with irregular opening, and rough carving. It should be the wall of mortuary

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