Original porcelain celadon double series ampoule

[Original porcelain celadon glaze double series ampoule]

Original porcelain celadon glaze double series ampoule, Warring States Period, height 22.5 cm, caliber 10.4 cm
The can is closed and flat, with the upper belly bulging out and the lower part inclined to form a flat bottom. The two sides of the shoulder are equipped with double loops of animal face patterns, on which curly animal horns are flat pasted and decorated with patterns. There are three broad stringed lines protruding from the upper abdomen, which divide the decoration into two layers. The upper layer is composed of four groups of five-headed and six-headed birds with a feather crown, the front and rear bird lines are divided into tiger head lines, and the lower layer is composed of six groups of three-headed birds with a feather crown. The tank body is green glazed, and the lower part of the belly is red without glaze
This pot is the top grade of the original celadon of the Eastern Han Dynasty, with regular shape, clear carving and decoration, and outstanding characteristics of the times.
图片[1]-Original porcelain celadon double series ampoule-China Archive

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