Blue jade nose button

[Blue Jade Nose Button “Ji Guan Zhi”]

Blue Jade Nose Button “Ji Guan Zhi”, Warring States, Chu, printed 1.8 × 1.8cm, 1.35cm high
This is the seal of the State of Chu during the Warring States Period. It is made of sapphire and has a nose button. The printed text is in the Warring States period, in white, with the words “Ji Guan Zhi” read from the top right. “Planning officer” is the official name and is in charge of book-keeping. The strokes of seal characters are straight and straight. The printing surface has a negative line sidebar, which is the same as the common format of copper printing surface in the same period. The printed jade is blue and gray, and the material itself is transparent. There are natural twills in the fine view. The condensed one is like the wind blowing the slanting willow, and the scattered one is like smoke clouds
At present, most of the official seals in the Warring States period are made of copper. In the history of ancient Chinese seals, it is customary to wear the seal of a private surname to die. After the Han Dynasty, due to the strict regulations of the seal system, the official seal for martyrdom was mostly a replica of the practical seal. There is no record of the official seal system of various countries in the Warring States Period. In terms of the comprehensive situation of official seals in various countries, they are more serious and regular
This jade seal of “Gui Guan Zhi” may be a substitute for the official seal of martyrdom in the early Warring States period. The jade seals of the Warring States Period are mostly seen in Chu. At the end of the 1930s, Qiao Yousheng got this seal from the collectors in Weixian County, Shandong Province, and carried it to Peiping. After several negotiations, it was purchased by Ni Yushu. After receiving this seal, Ni Yushu had a note: “I can’t be more comforted. Everything that I hear but see, or see but can’t buy, is not touched, and I am also very calm. On the contrary, seeing is something, or can’t buy but can’t decide, is really causing mental pain, action disorder, and its impact is great. How can this seal be exceptional.” The feeling of cherishing can be expressed in words. However, Ni Shi identified this seal as the “letter of official seal” and identified it as the early seal of the Han Dynasty, which was wrong.
图片[1]-Blue jade nose button-China Archive
图片[2]-Blue jade nose button-China Archive“计官之鉩” 玉印印面图片[3]-Blue jade nose button-China Archive“计官之鉩” 玉印钤本

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