Cobra pattern cauldron

[Pan cobra large tripod]

Pan cobra large tripod, 75 cm in height, 102 cm in width, 77 cm in diameter, and 64.2 kg in weight
The tripod is round, extravagant, necked, with ears, round bottom, hoof-shaped feet, with rings in front and back of the abdomen, and animal heads on the rings. The neck is decorated with heavy ring pattern, coil cobra pattern and triangle pattern, the upper and lower abdomen is decorated with two rope patterns, the middle is decorated with coil cobra pattern, hanging banana leaf pattern, and the foot is decorated with animal face pattern
This tripod is the largest tripod unearthed in Xinzheng, Henan Province in 1923. Its hoof-shaped foot has the typical characteristics of tripod in the Spring and Autumn Period. It is worth noting that the heavy ring pattern appeared in the late Western Zhou Dynasty was gradually replaced by the coil cobra pattern in the Spring and Autumn Period, while the heavy ring pattern and coil cobra pattern on this instrument are the reflection of the transformation process of the two patterns

图片[1]-Cobra pattern cauldron-China Archive

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