[0070] panel

[[0070] disc]

[0070] disc, 12.9 cm in height, 45.5 cm in width, and 7.96 kg in weight
The “disc” is round, with folded edges, ears and feet. The wall decoration has double ring pattern, and the ring foot is decorated with ring band pattern
The inscription on the bottom of the plate is in 10 lines and 103 words:
Only in May of the 20th and 8th year, Geng
Yin, Wang was in the Kangmu Palace of the Zhou Dynasty. Dan, Wang Geda
room, ascended the throne. Zai [0069] (Yin Jun), bless [0070] (Yin Yuan), and set up the
central court, facing north. The book of the king’s life was given by Shi Cao
Wang Hu Shi’s “0071” (Yinyu) book gives “0070” black clothing practices
Chun, Chi Shi, Zhu Huang, Luan, Qi, Youle. Ge
The halberd is thick and the sand is bright. [0070] Bye, jishou
Dare to give up his life to Pixian [0072] (Yin Xia), the son of Yang, and
use it as the imperial examination of Zheng Bo and Zheng Ji Baopan
[0070] It is used by Sun Yongbao, his son of ten thousand years
The main idea of the inscription: On the day that the sun and the moon meet in May 28, Gengyin, the king was in the Muwang Temple in the Kangwang Temple in Zhoudi. At dawn, Wang arrived at the hall and took his seat. Zai [0069], as the protector, led the implement maker [0070] into the temple gate, stood in the courtyard, facing north. Shi Guanqiao handed the written order to the king. Wang Zhaohu’s historiographer “0071” announced the written order in a volume. The official dress of “0070” announced by the letter of life includes a black jacket with embroidered edges, a bright red apron and red belt, a luanling and flag on the car, and a bridle. Reward a dagger. The halberd is carved with decorative patterns, a thick long handle, and a red tassel. [0070] Bow and kowtow. In order to repay and publicize the great and beautiful appointment of the Son of Heaven, he made a treasure plate in memory of his glorious parents, Zheng Bo and Zheng Ji. The descendants of “0070” will use this disk forever
This inscription completely records the time of the event, including the year, month, phase of the moon and Ganzhi day. It is an important data for studying the calendar and age of the Western Zhou Dynasty

图片[1]-[0070] panel-China Archive
图片[2]-[0070] panel-China Archive『0070』盘铭文拓片

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