Shi Keqiang

[Shi Ke [1]

Shi Ke [2], 21 cm high and 37.5 cm wide
Tapered rectangle, closed mouth, round corner, double animal ears, round foot. There are 4 rectangular short feet on the cover. The edge of the cover and the neck of the implement are decorated with a steal curve pattern, the cover and the belly of the implement are decorated with tile rib patterns, and the cover is full of Kui patterns
There is an inscription between the cover and the device, 14 lines 148 words:
Wang Ruo said: “Shi Ke, Pi Xian, Wen and Wu Ying, are under great command, and are everywhere. Then [0048] only
is the first Zukao, who has the rank in the state of Zhou, who has done
harm to the king’s body, and acted as a pawn.” Wang said: “Ke, Yu
is only suitable for the first Zukao, and Ke [0049] is the first minister and king.
I used to order you, but now I only Shenjing is the
order, and I order you to be the Zukao, [0050] and [0051] Left and right tigers
minister. Give you a vibrator; Red [0053], five yellow,
red [0163], tooth [0163]; The colt, [0055] [0056], Zhu Ju,
Jin Jin, Hu ([0059]), smoked, painted, painted [0060], Jin
Yong, Zhu Qi, four horses, and Yau Le; Plain Yue. Dear
Don’t waste my life in the early evening. ” Kedar showed Lu Xiu to the
Yang Tianzi, and used it as a tourist guide
Used by Sun Yongbao, the son of Keqi Wannian
The main idea is: Dai Xuan ordered the king to say, “Shike, the great King Wen and King Wu should be ordered by heaven to become the Lord of the Four Kingdoms. In the past, your grandfather and father contributed to the kingdom of Zhou, protected the king’s safety and became the king’s servant.” The king said: “Ke, I value your forefather and father very much, because they can do their best to serve the former king. In the past, I appointed you. Now I reiterate my previous appointment and increase your appointment. I order you to inherit the position of your father and grandfather, and also take charge of the left and right tiger officials of the king’s guard forces. I give you a Youyou to hold the wine soaked in herbs for the sacrifice. I give you a set of official clothes: a bright red apron and five matching ribbons, bright red shoes and ivory Made shoe trip. Give a colt a car: the copper ornaments on the car are “0056” and “0057”, the leather Zhu Ju and Jin, the cover of tiger skin, the black lining, the painted copper ornaments on the axle are painted with bricks, painted with “0060”, the copper head on the axle end, the bright red flag, four horses and the leather halter on the horse head. Give me an axe without decorations. You should serve your duties day and night, and do not neglect my trust and appointment to you. ” In order to thank and publicize the great and profound beauty of the Son of Zhou, Ke made this coffin for sacrifice, and his descendants will use it forever
The importance of this inscription is that it records the contents of a book of life in a more complete way, and the appointments and rewards described in it are more detailed. Most of the rewards in the book are symbolic, such as giving incense and wine to show the power to sacrifice, and giving the axe to show the power to live and kill.
图片[1]-Shi Keqiang-China Archive
图片[2]-Shi Keqiang-China Archive师克盨铭文拓片(一)图片[3]-Shi Keqiang-China Archive师克盨铭文拓片(二)

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