

Tonggui, 14.2cm in height, 32.3cm in width, and 3.9kg in weight
Gui round, extravagant mouth, drum belly, circle foot, double animal head and ears. The head of the animal is carved symmetrically in the front and back of the neck, and the two sides of the head are the pilfering bands. There is a convex string pattern on the abdomen. The cover has the same inscription with 9 lines of 91 characters:
Only in October and early February, Jiding is ugly. Wang
In Zongzhou, he stood in the Great Temple. Rong Boyou
stands together in the central court and faces the north. The king ordered him to help Wu Dadu [0051], Lin, Wu, Mu, from the east to the river, from the south to the water, and his grandson to help Wu Dadu. For Yang Tianzi Jue Xiu,
is used as my article, Huizhong Zuobao Gui
It is used by Sun Yongbao, his son of ten thousand years
The main idea of the inscription is that on the first auspicious day of December, Ding Chou, the king of Zhou arrived at the temple in Zongzhou, and Rongbo, as the protector, led him to the middle of the court of the temple, facing north. The king of Zhou ordered him to act as the assistant of Wu Dafu to manage the fields, mountains, forests, Zeyu, and pastures. The scope of management was from the east of the Yellow River to the north of the Xuanshui River; From generation to generation, children and grandchildren should help Wu Dafu and not neglect his work. In order to thank and promote the beauty of the Son of Zhou, we made this Gui in memory of our father Huizhong who died with us. This Gui is used by Yongbao of the same generation
This inscription records the scope of duties of Yu Guan in the middle of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and is an important material for studying the official system in this period

图片[1]-Tonggui-China Archive

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