Jade beast face inlay

[Jade beast face pattern inlay]

Jade beast face pattern inlay, 3.2 cm high, 4.8 cm wide, and 0.7 cm thick. Liangzhu Culture in the Neolithic Age
This is an ancient jade handed down from generation to generation. The surface decoration is vague and has a large area of ochre spots. The device is similar to trapezoid, convex, convex at the top, and folded backward at both sides of the center line. The angles of the upper and lower corners are different. The front of the inlay is a light relief animal face pattern, which focuses on the circular eyes and broad mouth of the animal. The two sides of the animal face are decorated with forelimbs, short and small, with claws and feet. The animal’s face and limbs are decorated with fine and dense Yin lines. There are 4 groups of through holes on the back of the trim, each group of holes is formed by butt joint of two oblique holes, and the holes can be threaded with ropes
According to the analysis, the work was originally embedded in the corner of the columnar ware, and three or four pieces are a group. Such columnar ware may be jade cong and other objects

图片[1]-Jade beast face inlay-China Archive

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