Three-hole Jade Sabre

[Three hole jade knife]

Three hole jade knife, 49.1 cm long, 5.9 cm wide, and about 0.1 cm thick. Shimao Culture in the Neolithic Age
The jade material of the knife is dark green, rectangular and thin, with flat back, concave blade, square at one end and slightly narrow at the other. One side of the jade knife is smooth, fine and bright, and the other side is rough. The jade material and processing method of this kind of jade knife unearthed at Shimao Site in Shenmu County, Shaanxi Province are very similar to this work. The jade knife has the characteristics of thin opening, sharp edge and standard drilling
The average thickness of this jade knife is about 0.1cm, which shows very good slicing technology. The three holes on the back of the knife are very standard, and there is no obvious hole diameter change. The sharpness of the blade reaches the level of cutting, which has the possibility of practicality

图片[1]-Three-hole Jade Sabre-China Archive

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