Jade Gui with Divine Face Pattern

[Shenmian Jade Gui]

21.8 cm in length, 5.5 cm in width, and 0.9 cm in thickness
Dark black jade, with white in some parts. The body is flat and long, in a narrow and long trapezoid shape, the edge is slightly extravagant, and there is a trumpet hole at one end. Both sides are decorated with horizontal string patterns and retro decorative bands with ground sun patterns, and there are deformation vortex patterns and divine face patterns between the two decorative bands. The decorative patterns on both sides are slightly different, and on one side there is an abstract and distorted divine face pattern on the string pattern
The jade carving patterns are very delicate and exquisite. The pattern style has the characteristics of Longshan culture and Shijiahe culture, but the decorative belt carved in the string pattern may be post-carved

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