The ruins of the European style palace in the Old Summer Palace, which was destroyed in 1873, are still beautiful

The remnants of the European style palace in the Old Summer Palace, which was destroyed in 1873, are still beautiful

&# 8203&# 8203; Yuanmingyuan, a large imperial garden in the Qing Dynasty, is located in the northwest suburb of Beijing, adjacent to the Summer Palace. It is composed of Yuanmingyuan, Changchun Garden and Qichun Garden, so it is also called the Three Yuanmingyuan Gardens

The Old Summer Palace was built in 1709 (the 48th year of Kangxi’s reign). After more than 150 years of establishment and operation in the Qing Dynasty, it was famous for its grand regional scale, outstanding construction skills, exquisite architectural scenes, rich cultural collections and broad and profound national cultural connotation; A model of all gardening art”, By the French writer Victor· Hugo is known as“ Ideal and artistic model&rdquo

This beautiful Yuanmingyuan was looted by the British and French forces on October 6, 1860, which not only looted all kinds of cultural relics, but also set them on fire, causing serious damage. When Tongzhi Emperor wanted to repair, he was forced to stop and rebuild other buildings due to financial difficulties. However, the disaster was far more than that. After the invasion of Beijing by the Eight Power Allied Forces, it was attacked by bandits and finally turned into a piece of ruins, which was amazing

From this group of photos taken in 1873, we can see that the remaining buildings of the Old Summer Palace are still so beautiful after being destroyed. It is unimaginable how beautiful the Old Summer Palace was at its peak

In 1873, a group of Germans entered the ruins of the Old Summer Palace, which had been abandoned for 13 years; Olmer used the camera to record the image here. We can see from the photos that this once magnificent royal garden is now overgrown with weeds and no one is managing it







图片[1]-The ruins of the European style palace in the Old Summer Palace, which was destroyed in 1873, are still beautiful-China Archive

图片[2]-The ruins of the European style palace in the Old Summer Palace, which was destroyed in 1873, are still beautiful-China Archive

图片[3]-The ruins of the European style palace in the Old Summer Palace, which was destroyed in 1873, are still beautiful-China Archive


图片[4]-The ruins of the European style palace in the Old Summer Palace, which was destroyed in 1873, are still beautiful-China Archive
图片[5]-The ruins of the European style palace in the Old Summer Palace, which was destroyed in 1873, are still beautiful-China Archive

图片[6]-The ruins of the European style palace in the Old Summer Palace, which was destroyed in 1873, are still beautiful-China Archive

图片[7]-The ruins of the European style palace in the Old Summer Palace, which was destroyed in 1873, are still beautiful-China Archive
图片[8]-The ruins of the European style palace in the Old Summer Palace, which was destroyed in 1873, are still beautiful-China Archive

图片[9]-The ruins of the European style palace in the Old Summer Palace, which was destroyed in 1873, are still beautiful-China Archive

图片[10]-The ruins of the European style palace in the Old Summer Palace, which was destroyed in 1873, are still beautiful-China Archive

图片[11]-The ruins of the European style palace in the Old Summer Palace, which was destroyed in 1873, are still beautiful-China Archive

图片[12]-The ruins of the European style palace in the Old Summer Palace, which was destroyed in 1873, are still beautiful-China Archive

图片[13]-The ruins of the European style palace in the Old Summer Palace, which was destroyed in 1873, are still beautiful-China Archive

图片[14]-The ruins of the European style palace in the Old Summer Palace, which was destroyed in 1873, are still beautiful-China Archive




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