Life photos of the common people outside Xizhimen in Beijing in 1907

In 1907, a group of old photos of people’s lives outside Xizhimen in Beijing were presented to you

The photographer of this group is Willard Dickerman Straight (January 31, 1880 – December 1, 2018). In 1906, he came to China to serve as the US Consul General in Fengtian

This group of pictures covers the area along the road from Xizhimen to Xishan in Beijing

1907年 北京西直门外的百姓生活老照片一组送上给大家。

本组图片拍摄者为美国外交官司戴德(Willard Dickerman Straight,1880年1月31日 – 1918年12月1日)。1906年,他来华担任美国驻奉天总领事。


图片[1]-Life photos of the common people outside Xizhimen in Beijing in 1907-China Archive


图片[2]-Life photos of the common people outside Xizhimen in Beijing in 1907-China Archive

图片[3]-Life photos of the common people outside Xizhimen in Beijing in 1907-China Archive

图片[4]-Life photos of the common people outside Xizhimen in Beijing in 1907-China Archive

图片[5]-Life photos of the common people outside Xizhimen in Beijing in 1907-China Archive

图片[6]-Life photos of the common people outside Xizhimen in Beijing in 1907-China Archive

图片[7]-Life photos of the common people outside Xizhimen in Beijing in 1907-China Archive

图片[8]-Life photos of the common people outside Xizhimen in Beijing in 1907-China Archive

戴德(Willard Dickerman Straight)本人

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