The earliest color photos of China taken by Kahn in the late Qing Dynasty (Part 1)

Today, I would like to share with you a group of the earliest color photos of China taken by Kahn in the late Qing Dynasty

In November 1908, Albert Kahn set sail from Cherbourg, France, and began to travel around the world through the United States and Japan. In January 1909, he and his driver arrived in China. At that time, after Empress Dowager Cixi died, Puyi ascended the throne, and his father Prince Chun was in charge of governing

In 23 days, Albert Kahn visited many places in China. The earliest color photos on Chinese land were taken by Kahn. His lens recorded China before the overthrow of the feudal monarchy, and also the earliest batch of color photos in China, which is undoubtedly a precious historical record

图片[1]-The earliest color photos of China taken by Kahn in the late Qing Dynasty (Part 1)-China Archive

图片[2]-The earliest color photos of China taken by Kahn in the late Qing Dynasty (Part 1)-China Archive

图片[3]-The earliest color photos of China taken by Kahn in the late Qing Dynasty (Part 1)-China Archive

图片[4]-The earliest color photos of China taken by Kahn in the late Qing Dynasty (Part 1)-China Archive

图片[5]-The earliest color photos of China taken by Kahn in the late Qing Dynasty (Part 1)-China Archive

图片[6]-The earliest color photos of China taken by Kahn in the late Qing Dynasty (Part 1)-China Archive

图片[7]-The earliest color photos of China taken by Kahn in the late Qing Dynasty (Part 1)-China Archive图片[8]-The earliest color photos of China taken by Kahn in the late Qing Dynasty (Part 1)-China Archive

图片[9]-The earliest color photos of China taken by Kahn in the late Qing Dynasty (Part 1)-China Archive

图片[10]-The earliest color photos of China taken by Kahn in the late Qing Dynasty (Part 1)-China Archive

图片[11]-The earliest color photos of China taken by Kahn in the late Qing Dynasty (Part 1)-China Archive

图片[12]-The earliest color photos of China taken by Kahn in the late Qing Dynasty (Part 1)-China Archive图片[13]-The earliest color photos of China taken by Kahn in the late Qing Dynasty (Part 1)-China Archive

图片[14]-The earliest color photos of China taken by Kahn in the late Qing Dynasty (Part 1)-China Archive

图片[15]-The earliest color photos of China taken by Kahn in the late Qing Dynasty (Part 1)-China Archive

图片[16]-The earliest color photos of China taken by Kahn in the late Qing Dynasty (Part 1)-China Archive

图片[17]-The earliest color photos of China taken by Kahn in the late Qing Dynasty (Part 1)-China Archive

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