The old photos of Fujian taken by Thomson in 1871

In the late Qing Dynasty, Scottish documentary photography pioneer John Thomson came to China, and in 1867— In 1872, he traveled all over China and took a lot of old Chinese photos

Recently, two Thomson albums were found in the French National Library: 21photo. deChineetdeHong Kongen 1871 and 64photo. deChina, deFormoseetdeHong Kongen 1871. The photos in these two albums are the published works of Thomson, and some of the photos taken in Fujian are the first time to see. After preliminary screening, there are a total of 16 films (several of which need to be further determined), including 9 films that still remain in the Vilcom Library and 7 films that do not

清末苏格兰纪实摄影先驱John Thomson(约翰·汤姆逊)来到中国,并于1867—1872年间他的足迹遍布中国各地,拍摄了大量中国老照片。

最近又在法国国家图书馆发现两本汤姆逊相册:《21 phot. de Chine et de Hong-Kong en 1871》、《64 phot. de Chine, de Formose et de Hong-Kong en 1871》。这两本相册中的照片即是汤姆逊已发表的作品,其中一部分摄于福建的照片为第一次见到。初步筛选一下,共有16幅(其中几幅需进一步确定),包括底片仍存留于维尔康姆图书馆的9幅,底片不存的7幅。
图片[1]-The old photos of Fujian taken by Thomson in 1871-China Archive

图片[2]-The old photos of Fujian taken by Thomson in 1871-China Archive

图片[3]-The old photos of Fujian taken by Thomson in 1871-China Archive

图片[4]-The old photos of Fujian taken by Thomson in 1871-China Archive
图片[5]-The old photos of Fujian taken by Thomson in 1871-China Archive

图片[6]-The old photos of Fujian taken by Thomson in 1871-China Archive

图片[7]-The old photos of Fujian taken by Thomson in 1871-China Archive

图片[8]-The old photos of Fujian taken by Thomson in 1871-China Archive

图片[9]-The old photos of Fujian taken by Thomson in 1871-China Archive图片[10]-The old photos of Fujian taken by Thomson in 1871-China Archive

图片[11]-The old photos of Fujian taken by Thomson in 1871-China Archive图片[12]-The old photos of Fujian taken by Thomson in 1871-China Archive

图片[13]-The old photos of Fujian taken by Thomson in 1871-China Archive

图片[14]-The old photos of Fujian taken by Thomson in 1871-China Archive

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