The tragic scene of the pestis in Northeast China during 1910-1911

1910-1911; The tragic scene of the pestis in Manchuria was taken by the photographer of the Russian medical team

The epidemic pestis in Northeast China from October 1910 to April 1911 was called the most serious epidemic pestis in the world in the 20th century. The pestis killed more than 60000 people in Northeast China. It was the pestis fight that really opened the prelude to the earliest scientific epidemic prevention work in modern China. It left many valuable experiences for future generations in organization and management, measure implementation, medical aid, epidemic prevention and quarantine, etc. At the same time, through this event, the social development state of the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China and the social concept of people at that time can also be seen

This group of photos is a real scene at that time, which is horrible

1910-1911年间  满洲大鼠疫悲惨场景实拍,由俄国医疗队摄影师拍摄。

1910年10月~1911年4月的中国东北流行性鼠疫被称作20世纪世界上最严重的一次流行性鼠疫,那场鼠疫卷走了东北地区6万余人的性命。正是那场鼠疫抗争真正揭开了近代中国最早的科学防疫工作序幕,它在组织管理、措施实施、医疗救护、防疫检疫等方面,留给后人许多值得 借鉴的经验。同时,透过这次事件,清末民初社会的社会发展状态及当时人们的社会观念也得以管窥。


图片[1]-The tragic scene of the pestis in Northeast China during 1910-1911-China Archive

图片[2]-The tragic scene of the pestis in Northeast China during 1910-1911-China Archive

图片[3]-The tragic scene of the pestis in Northeast China during 1910-1911-China Archive

图片[4]-The tragic scene of the pestis in Northeast China during 1910-1911-China Archive

图片[5]-The tragic scene of the pestis in Northeast China during 1910-1911-China Archive

图片[6]-The tragic scene of the pestis in Northeast China during 1910-1911-China Archive

图片[7]-The tragic scene of the pestis in Northeast China during 1910-1911-China Archive

图片[8]-The tragic scene of the pestis in Northeast China during 1910-1911-China Archive

图片[9]-The tragic scene of the pestis in Northeast China during 1910-1911-China Archive

图片[10]-The tragic scene of the pestis in Northeast China during 1910-1911-China Archive

图片[11]-The tragic scene of the pestis in Northeast China during 1910-1911-China Archive

1910-1911年间  东北大鼠疫悲惨场景实拍

1910-1911年间  东北大鼠疫悲惨场景实拍

1910-1911年间  东北大鼠疫悲惨场景实拍

1910-1911年间  东北大鼠疫悲惨场景实拍

1910-1911年间  东北大鼠疫悲惨场景实拍

1910-1911年间  东北大鼠疫悲惨场景实拍

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