The old photo of Guangzhou in 1859 was taken by Rossier

There are 35 photos of Guangzhou taken by Pierre Joseph Rossier in this electronic album. 33 of them have been published on the website of Getty Institute, but they are clearer here. There are also two pictures I have seen for the first time. Each photo has a label behind it, but the description on the label seems to be the same: only that it was published in May 1859


Pierre· Joseph· Pierre Joseph Rossier is a foreign photographer with an important position in the history of Chinese photography. He overcame many difficulties in the process of shooting in East Asia and shot the first commercial images of China and East Asia with skilled and exquisite photography techniques. He is the first known photographer to release commercial photos with Chinese themes in Europe

With the implementation of the China UK Five port Trade Constitution, China has become a dumping place for Western powers. As one of China’s five trading ports, Guangzhou has implemented free trade earlier. It is against this social background that Rosier came to China with the most advanced photographic equipment

In Guangzhou, Rossier took a number of stereoscopic photos, covering Chinese portraits, urban landscapes and British and French officers and soldiers. Rossier’s pictures of the ferry of Guangzhou’s military depot and the residential buildings in the southeast of Guangzhou City are few hand-painted works taken by photographers. In addition, the buildings in Guangzhou, the families of Guangdong officials, the Five Hundred Arhat Hall, the courtyards of tribute courts, the Guangzhou Flower Tower, the candlesticks overlooking the Financial Street, and the statues in Guangzhou Longevity Palace were all photographed by Rosier

As a photographic achievement, in May 1862, Rossier exhibited his glass stereoscopic photos taken in China, Japan, and Siam (now Thailand) at the London International Fair


本组照片出自法国国家图书馆网站,原为一本电子相册,名称是:《[ Recueil. Vues stéréoscopiques de Pierre Joseph Rossier. Vues de Chine ] – 1859》

Sujet: Chine — Moeurs et coutumes

Sujet: Canton ( Chine )

本电子相册中共有Pierre Joseph Rossier(罗西耶)拍摄的广州照片35幅。其中33幅在美国盖蒂研究所网站上登载过,但此处稍微清晰些。还有两幅是第一次见到。每幅照片后面都有一张标签,但标签上的说明好像都是一样的:只说明出版时间是1859年5月。


皮埃尔·约瑟夫·罗西耶(Pierre Joseph Rossier)是一位在中国摄影史上有重要地位的外国摄影师。他用娴熟精湛的摄影技术,克服了在东亚拍摄过程中的重重困难,拍摄了中国及东亚的首批商业影像。是目前已经知道的最早在欧洲发行中国题材的商业照片的摄影师。



作为摄影成果,1862 年5 月,罗西耶将其于中国、日本、暹罗(今泰国)拍摄的玻璃立体照片在伦敦国际博览会上展出。

1859年广州老照片 罗西耶摄

图片[2]-The old photo of Guangzhou in 1859 was taken by Rossier-China Archive

图片[3]-The old photo of Guangzhou in 1859 was taken by Rossier-China Archive

图片[4]-The old photo of Guangzhou in 1859 was taken by Rossier-China Archive
图片[5]-The old photo of Guangzhou in 1859 was taken by Rossier-China Archive
图片[6]-The old photo of Guangzhou in 1859 was taken by Rossier-China Archive

图片[7]-The old photo of Guangzhou in 1859 was taken by Rossier-China Archive
图片[8]-The old photo of Guangzhou in 1859 was taken by Rossier-China Archive

图片[9]-The old photo of Guangzhou in 1859 was taken by Rossier-China Archive
图片[10]-The old photo of Guangzhou in 1859 was taken by Rossier-China Archive

图片[11]-The old photo of Guangzhou in 1859 was taken by Rossier-China Archive

图片[12]-The old photo of Guangzhou in 1859 was taken by Rossier-China Archive

图片[13]-The old photo of Guangzhou in 1859 was taken by Rossier-China Archive

图片[14]-The old photo of Guangzhou in 1859 was taken by Rossier-China Archive

图片[15]-The old photo of Guangzhou in 1859 was taken by Rossier-China Archive

1859年广州老照片 罗西耶摄

1859年广州老照片 罗西耶摄



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