1869 Old photo of Shantou, Guangdong, taken by Thomson

In 1869, a group of old photos of Shantou, Guangdong, were shared with you by John Thomson

Among all the old photos I collected, Shantou has found that this group of photos is the earliest, so I am afraid it is the earliest real image left by Shantou to the world

This group of photos comes from the website of Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the definition is very good& nbsp; However, the author of this group of photos is marked as“ AttributedtoJohnThomson” (It is believed to be the work of John&Middleton Thomson) So we can’t be 100% sure that this group of photos was taken by him

The English annotation under the picture is the original annotation on the website of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Chinese characters behind are translated with the help of translation tools. Please point out the specific shooting location in the photo

1869年 广东汕头老照片一组分享给大家,拍摄者约翰.汤姆逊。


本组照片出自大都会艺术博物馆网站,清晰度非常不错。 不过这组照片的作者则标为“Attributed to John Thomson”(认为是约翰·汤姆逊的作品)所以本组照片也不能100%确定是他拍摄的。


图片[1]-1869 Old photo of Shantou, Guangdong, taken by Thomson-China Archive

DP165632 View of Swatow Harbou  汕头港口远景

图片[2]-1869 Old photo of Shantou, Guangdong, taken by Thomson-China Archive

DP165631 View on Rak-Chui opposite Swatow 礐石的理查德森洋行

图片[3]-1869 Old photo of Shantou, Guangdong, taken by Thomson-China Archive

DP165630 View on Rak-Chui opposite Swatow

图片[4]-1869 Old photo of Shantou, Guangdong, taken by Thomson-China Archive
DP165629 View on Rak-Chui opposite Swatow

图片[5]-1869 Old photo of Shantou, Guangdong, taken by Thomson-China Archive

DP165628 Swatow


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