The old photo of Ruyuan, Guangdong in 1906. The architecture of Yunmen Temple a hundred years ago

Share a group of old photos of Ruyuan, Guangdong, from the late Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China, taken from 1906-1928

Ru originates from the north of Guangdong Province and the west of Shaoguan City, adjoins Wujiang District of Shaoguan City in the east, Yangshan County of Qingyuan City in the west, Yingde City of Qingyuan City in the south, Lechang City in the north, and Yizhang County of Hunan Province in the northwest. It is one of the three ethnic autonomous counties in Guangdong Province. In the third year of Qiandao in the Southern Song Dynasty (1167 A.D.), Ruyuan County was set up. It was named after the abundant stalactites in Fenggangling Karst Cave in the north of the county and the source flowing out of the cave

Now let’s take a look at this group of old photos of Ruyuan

图片[1]-The old photo of Ruyuan, Guangdong in 1906. The architecture of Yunmen Temple a hundred years ago-China Archive

云门寺 全景


图片[2]-The old photo of Ruyuan, Guangdong in 1906. The architecture of Yunmen Temple a hundred years ago-China Archive

云门寺 全景

云门寺源于云门文偃。文偃(864-949),俗姓张,嘉兴(今浙江)人。出家后到各地参学。初参睦州道,后参义存,获得印可。禅宗六祖惠能圆寂后,嗣法 弟子有湖南南岳怀让和江西青原行思两个法系。到唐末五代间,南岳一系形成沩仰和临济二宗,青原一系分出曹洞、云门、法眼三宗,合称禅宗五家。云门宗的传承 是:青原山行思–道悟–崇信–宣鉴–义存–文偃。文偃在福州象骨山雪峰广福院得义存印可后,就来到韶州云门山,修复残破的光泰禅院,开创了自成 一系的云门宗禅风。其说教方式独特,被称作"云门三句"。

图片[3]-The old photo of Ruyuan, Guangdong in 1906. The architecture of Yunmen Temple a hundred years ago-China Archive

云门寺 大殿内铁钟

图片[4]-The old photo of Ruyuan, Guangdong in 1906. The architecture of Yunmen Temple a hundred years ago-China Archive

云门寺 大雄殿


图片[5]-The old photo of Ruyuan, Guangdong in 1906. The architecture of Yunmen Temple a hundred years ago-China Archive

云门寺 祖师殿内 云门大师真身像

图片[6]-The old photo of Ruyuan, Guangdong in 1906. The architecture of Yunmen Temple a hundred years ago-China Archive



图片[7]-The old photo of Ruyuan, Guangdong in 1906. The architecture of Yunmen Temple a hundred years ago-China Archive

云门寺 云门大师碑

图片[8]-The old photo of Ruyuan, Guangdong in 1906. The architecture of Yunmen Temple a hundred years ago-China Archive

云门寺 云门大师碑 拓本

图片[9]-The old photo of Ruyuan, Guangdong in 1906. The architecture of Yunmen Temple a hundred years ago-China Archive

云门寺 云门大师碑


图片[10]-The old photo of Ruyuan, Guangdong in 1906. The architecture of Yunmen Temple a hundred years ago-China Archive


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