A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910

Share a group of old photos of Guangzhou in 1910, which mainly reflect the scenes inside and outside Guangxiao Temple in Guangzhou a hundred years ago

Guangxiao Temple is located near Jinghui Road at the north end of Guangxiao Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou. According to the Records of Guangxiao Temple, it was the former residence of Zhao Jiande, the king of Nanyue in the second century BC. During the Three Kingdoms Period, Wu Guoyu lived here in exile, and was called Yuyuan. After Yufan’s death, his family gave up their house as a temple

The name of the temple has been changed several times. It was initially named Stop Temple. In the fifth year of Long’an in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (401), it was called Wuyuan Temple. In the Tang Dynasty, it was called Qianming Faxing Temple. In the Southern Han Dynasty of the Five Dynasties, it was called Qianheng Temple. In the Northern Song Dynasty, it was called Wanshou Temple. In the Southern Song Dynasty, it was called Bao’en Guangxiao Temple. Soon after, it was renamed Guangxiao Temple after changing the word to Guangzi& nbsp;

Guangxiao Temple has a rigorous architectural structure and magnificent halls, especially numerous cultural relics and historical sites. For example, the Mahavira Hall, which was built in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Xibo Spring excavated by Damo in the Southern Dynasty, the Yifa Tower and the Stone Sutra Tower in the Tang Dynasty, the Thousand Buddha Tower in the Southern Han Dynasty, the Six Ancestors’ Hall and the Reclining Buddha Hall in the Song and Ming Dynasties, as well as inscriptions, Buddha statues, chebula trees, and bodhi trees, are all precious relics of Buddhism

The following are the old photos of the Guangxiao Temple taken by the Japanese in those years. I have selected 22 for you to read

图片[1]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive

光孝寺 中门及大雄殿

图片[2]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive

光孝寺 大雄殿 1910年

图片[3]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive

光孝寺 大雄殿 细节

图片[4]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive

光孝寺 大雄殿 细节

图片[5]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive

光孝寺 大雄殿 三尊佛

图片[6]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive

光孝寺 大雄殿 五祖像


图片[7]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive

光孝寺 碑殿

图片[8]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive


图片[9]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive

光孝寺 风幡堂

图片[10]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive

光孝寺 鼓楼

图片[11]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive

光孝寺 迦蓝殿

图片[12]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive

光孝寺 六祖殿

图片[13]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive

光孝寺 六祖像碑

图片[14]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive

光孝寺 六祖瘗发塔 1910年


图片[15]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive

光孝寺 六祖瘗发塔 1929年


图片[16]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive

光孝寺 菩提树 六祖瘗发塔 及 六祖像碑

图片[17]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive

光孝寺 菩提树 六祖瘗发塔 

图片[18]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive

光孝寺 睡佛

图片[19]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive

光孝寺 西铁塔阁

图片[20]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive

光孝寺 西铁塔 细节

图片[21]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive


图片[22]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive


图片[23]-A view of Guangxiao Temple a hundred years ago in the old photo of Guangzhou in 1910-China Archive



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