The earliest color photo of Huibo Tower of Daming Lake in Jinan, Shandong Province in 1913

Share a group of old photos of Jinan at the beginning of the Republic of China. The photos mainly capture the beautiful scenery around the Daming Lake and Huibo Tower in Jinan. It is rare that this photo is a color photo

The photographer (organizer) of this group of photos is Albert· Kahn. In the 1910s, photographers were hired to take more than 72000 old photos from all over the world, most of which were color photos. They were rare early color photos of the world. Among them, about 750 photos were taken in China, all of which were color photos. These photos can be said to be the first group of color photos in China

The following are six photos he took in Jinan, which are compiled by me for you to read

图片[1]-The earliest color photo of Huibo Tower of Daming Lake in Jinan, Shandong Province in 1913-China Archive


图片[2]-The earliest color photo of Huibo Tower of Daming Lake in Jinan, Shandong Province in 1913-China Archive

图片[3]-The earliest color photo of Huibo Tower of Daming Lake in Jinan, Shandong Province in 1913-China Archive

图片[4]-The earliest color photo of Huibo Tower of Daming Lake in Jinan, Shandong Province in 1913-China Archive

图片[5]-The earliest color photo of Huibo Tower of Daming Lake in Jinan, Shandong Province in 1913-China Archive

图片[6]-The earliest color photo of Huibo Tower of Daming Lake in Jinan, Shandong Province in 1913-China Archive




大明湖是济南市区湖泊、济南三大历史名胜之一。位于山东省济南市历下区旧城区北部,是由济南众多泉水汇流而成,湖水经泺水河注入小清河。湖水面积46公顷,水深平均2~3米。 大明湖景色优美秀丽,湖水水色澄碧,是国家5A级旅游景区——天下第一泉风景区的核心组成部分之一。大明湖历史悠久,有诸如南丰祠、遐园、稼轩祠、历下亭、铁公祠、小沧浪、北极阁、汇波楼、等著名建筑或景观,且留下了大量古人的著名的诗篇。

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