The old photo of Nanjing, Jiangsu in 1911 Nanjing under the siege of the Jiangsu Zhejiang Allied Forces

Share a group of old photos of Nanjing in the late Qing Dynasty. This group of photos was taken in 1911 from UBCHEA

After the success of the Wuchang Uprising in 1911, all provinces throughout the country responded one after another, uprising and declared independence. The revolutionaries also decided to launch an attack on Nanjing, which was heavily garrisoned and threatened the independence of the south-eastern region. The Jiangsu and Zhejiang ministries jointly launched an attack on Nanjing

At the end of November 1911, the Soviet Zhejiang Union troops approached the Wulong Mountain in the north of the city and occupied the fort; After capturing Wulong Mountain, Mufu Mountain Fortress was captured; On December 1, the Jiangsu Zhejiang Allied Forces occupied Tianbaocheng and Yuhuatai; All the important strongholds of Nanjing City were captured. The allied forces persuaded Zhang Xun, the leader of the Qing army, to surrender, but he refused; Later, the Allied Forces began to bombard the Taiping Gate (the lookout tower of the Qing army) and Zhang Xun’s headquarters (the Arctic Pavilion). At this time, Zhang Renjun (the governor of Liangjiang) and Tie Liang (the general of Jiangning) advised Zhang Xun to leave and retreat. Later, when negotiating the surrender, Zhang Renjun and Tie Liang fled to Shimonoseki and went to Shanghai by Japanese warships while the Allied forces were not strong enough; Zhang Xun led 2000 people to escape to Xuzhou through Xiaguan and Pukou; The remaining garrison troops of the Qing army surrendered

This group of photos was taken just before and after the event. The photos were originally black and white, and this color photo is a later colored one. Welcome to read it

图片[1]-The old photo of Nanjing, Jiangsu in 1911 Nanjing under the siege of the Jiangsu Zhejiang Allied Forces-China Archive

1911年 南京 下关火车站,争相离开南京的人群

图片[2]-The old photo of Nanjing, Jiangsu in 1911 Nanjing under the siege of the Jiangsu Zhejiang Allied Forces-China Archive

1911年 南京 下关车站铁路线

图片[3]-The old photo of Nanjing, Jiangsu in 1911 Nanjing under the siege of the Jiangsu Zhejiang Allied Forces-China Archive

1911年 南京 下关火车站站台

图片[4]-The old photo of Nanjing, Jiangsu in 1911 Nanjing under the siege of the Jiangsu Zhejiang Allied Forces-China Archive

1911年 南京 城外的革命军

图片[5]-The old photo of Nanjing, Jiangsu in 1911 Nanjing under the siege of the Jiangsu Zhejiang Allied Forces-China Archive

1911年 南京 城外的革命军

图片[6]-The old photo of Nanjing, Jiangsu in 1911 Nanjing under the siege of the Jiangsu Zhejiang Allied Forces-China Archive

1911年 南京 监狱外,抢运木材的人们

1905年,江宁府知府许星碧在城内老虎桥建造江宁罪犯习艺所,二年后建成;专门收押流放犯、充军犯等。1909年,改建为江南模范监狱 。

图片[7]-The old photo of Nanjing, Jiangsu in 1911 Nanjing under the siege of the Jiangsu Zhejiang Allied Forces-China Archive

1911年 南京 监狱内,抢拆木材的人们

图片[8]-The old photo of Nanjing, Jiangsu in 1911 Nanjing under the siege of the Jiangsu Zhejiang Allied Forces-China Archive

1911年 南京 下关街景

图片[9]-The old photo of Nanjing, Jiangsu in 1911 Nanjing under the siege of the Jiangsu Zhejiang Allied Forces-China Archive

1911年 南京 中外教员在校园内合影

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