The old photos of Weihaiwei in the 1910s during the British lease period

The old photos of Weihai, Shanhai in the 1910s

Weihaiwei is located in Weihai City, the northeastern tip of Shandong Peninsula today. It was formerly a coastal fishing village, which was called Shiluo in the Han Dynasty. It is close to the outer sea of the Yellow Sea. It is located in Haizhou, West Lianning (now Muping). It forms a triangle with Yantai, which is a corner between the Bohai Strait to the north and the Lushun mouth of Liaodong Peninsula. It is the key to the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea, and it is the gateway to the Beijing Tianjin sea

: On July 1, 1898, China and the United Kingdom signed the Special Article on Leasing Weihai Weihai, which started the British lease period of Weihai Weihai for 32 years. This group of photos were taken during the British Lease Period, probably in 1911 at the end of the Qing Dynasty

图片[1]-The old photos of Weihaiwei in the 1910s during the British lease period-China Archive


威海水师学堂在刘公岛西端,1889年,北洋海军成军第二年,李鸿章和丁汝昌就上奏清廷,请求设立威海水师学堂。威海水师学堂于1889年开工建设,花费购地银、工料银合计近万两,共建房63间,占地18000平方米。 1890年6月3日,学堂正式开课,成为继福州马尾船政学堂、天津水师学堂后的又一所正规海军学校。

图片[2]-The old photos of Weihaiwei in the 1910s during the British lease period-China Archive


图片[3]-The old photos of Weihaiwei in the 1910s during the British lease period-China Archive


图片[4]-The old photos of Weihaiwei in the 1910s during the British lease period-China Archive

图片[5]-The old photos of Weihaiwei in the 1910s during the British lease period-China Archive

图片[6]-The old photos of Weihaiwei in the 1910s during the British lease period-China Archive


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