Image of Weihua Yong Camp in Weihai, Shandong in 1901, taken by Luxon

This group of photos is the image of Weihua Yong Camp in Weihai, Shandong in 1901. The photographer is Ruxton

The British Huayong Camp was originally a local Chinese mercenary stationed in Weihai British Concession. The planning of this force began in 1898, and it was formally formed in 1899. Weihaiwei is located in Weihai, Shandong Province today. It was originally Shiluo. It was set up in the 31st year of Hongwu (1398) of the Ming Dynasty; Wei”, It is called Weihaiwei

In November 1898, the British Army Department first recruited professional sergeants such as interpreters and buglers from Hong Kong and Shanghai, and then began to formally establish the British Chinese Regiment in Weihai Wei, which is what the Chinese call the “Chinese Regiment”; Huayunying&rdquo

图片[1]-Image of Weihua Yong Camp in Weihai, Shandong in 1901, taken by Luxon-China Archive

图片[2]-Image of Weihua Yong Camp in Weihai, Shandong in 1901, taken by Luxon-China Archive

到 1900年5月,“华勇营”人数已达六百多,兵士年龄均在二十三至二十五岁之间。该部队编制齐全,设置长枪连、机枪连、炮队和骑兵队,以及乐队、译员、卫生队。该团由包耳上校(Colonel Bower)任团长,尉级以上军官均从英国正规军中调任,全团配置精良装备,清一色的马丁尼·亨利式来复枪,甚至还有当时最先进的马克西姆机枪,这在当时的西方正规军中,亦未能成建制装备,可见英国对该支雇佣军期许之高。

图片[3]-Image of Weihua Yong Camp in Weihai, Shandong in 1901, taken by Luxon-China Archive

图片[4]-Image of Weihua Yong Camp in Weihai, Shandong in 1901, taken by Luxon-China Archive



图片[5]-Image of Weihua Yong Camp in Weihai, Shandong in 1901, taken by Luxon-China Archive

图片[6]-Image of Weihua Yong Camp in Weihai, Shandong in 1901, taken by Luxon-China Archive

图片[7]-Image of Weihua Yong Camp in Weihai, Shandong in 1901, taken by Luxon-China Archive


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