This group of old photos comes from the postcard series of “Lushun War Tracks” issued by Japanese in 1905. The title of this set of postcards is Lushun Dispatch, and its publisher isSEIUNDOPRINTINCO.LTD. The postcards indicate the imperial resources of the Fortress Headquarters
In 1905, Japan and Russia were engaged in the Russo Japanese War in Northeast China. This group of old photos may have been taken in this war. The shooting mainly focused on Japanese combat units, famous buildings and monuments in Lushun at that time
This group of postcards is from Kyoto University, Japan, and the date marked is 1905
旅顺白玉山 表忠塔 (高二百一十八尺)
旅顺 工科大学 本校 (73间校舍?)
旅顺 港口要塞纪念碑 数艘驱逐舰正在驶入港口
白玉山 纳骨神社 日本陆军参拜活动
旅顺 203高地纪念碑
旅顺 望台炮台
旅顺 当时的水师营会见所